COVID 19 Update 27/11/2020

Following the Government announcement of the tiered system from 2nd December 2020, Retreat Caravan Park has been placed under Tier 2 restrictions. Therefore, this means Retreat is able to open to any owners from 8am on 2nd December 2020 who are either in Tier 1 or Tier 2 areas. Any owners who currently live in a Tier 3 area, the Government advice unfortunately states you should avoid travelling to other parts of the UK, including for overnight stays.
If you are from a Tier 1 or 2 area and plan to visit between now and our closing period from 11/01/2021 – 25/01/2021. Current Tier 2 regulations states that only people from the same household may stay in the caravan at that one particular time. All Tier 2 regulations can be found on GOV.UK.

You are able to check which Tier you area in via the postcode checker. Find out the coronavirus restrictions in your local area – GOV.UK (

For those of you valued owners in Tier 3 we can only imagine the frustration of the new regulations and are all very much in our thoughts. We hope with the news of vaccines being rolled out soon the situation the country finds itself within will be a much better picture once the winter closing period has ended and spring comes around.
Best Wishes

All at Team Retreat

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