As you are all probably aware we are seeing different levels of restrictions across the country with the rising levels of infection rates . Due to this in order to keep you all safe during your stays I would like to ask when coming to the office window that a face covering is worn in order to reduce risk of moisture droplets going through the open gap in the window as an extra precautionary measure. Furthermore, with October half term arriving extra measures will be taken in the outdoor play area. Marion will be decontaminating touch points daily using BS EN 1276 compliant sanitiser which will be recorded on the main entrance of the play area. Finally a capacity limit of 6 at any time will be placed in the play area due to the enclosed nature, in order to adhere to social distancing measures which remains at 2 metres park wide. Hand sanitiser will continued to be supplied site wide. I would like to thank everyone who has obliged this summer with this new world we are living in and the new rules put in place to help make Retreat a COVID secure environment for you all. We will continue to take every precaution necessary in order to keep you all safe and hopefully get back to some normality when next summer comes around.
Just to make you all aware winter drain down forms will be arriving in the post at the start of next week alongside electricity readings. The maintenance team have been instructed when carrying out drain downs and drain ups that full PPE is to be worn by themselves at all points completing the procedure on the caravan or lodge.