Garden Competition – The results are in……………………………………….

Thank you to Sandra and Sue for again judging this year’s Garden Competition themed “Our Retreat”.

The Judges main comment this year was that the standard of the gardens has risen hugely this year and it is obvious that you all take great pride and care and receive so much pleasure from them.

Slightly differently this year and because we had so many entries the judges split the entrants into 2 groups – New Owners this year (thank you for all taking part) and Those Owners who have been here longer Our Golden Owners.


And so to the results………..

Our Golden Owners

First – Nicola and Tony 9 Beach Walk

Second – Bob and Ann 18 The Avenue

Third – Norman and Sylvia 5 The Avenue

New Owners

First – Brian and Julia 7 The Avenue

Second – Chris and Sharon 26 The Avenue

Third – Debbie 17 The Avenue

The judges asked that a special prize be awarded to the Garden that made them Laugh Out Loud – Myra from 1 Knoll View – they loved you’re sense of fun and humour in the garden.

All our lovely remaining entrants are awarded Highly Commended with the Judges commenting that you have done well to produce such amazing gardens considering the dry weather conditions we’ve had recently.


Prizes and pictures will be awarded in due course as it might take a while for myself or Lucy to get all the pics uploaded …………..So watch this space.



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