Retreats Tweets June 2019


On 24th August we will be hosting our Annual Owners Party. Last years gathering was a huge success seeing so many smiling faces in the sunshine. We will once again be serving a hog roast, if you have any other dietary requirements please let us know in advance.


A polite reminder to all to remember to pick up your dog waste around the park including on the beach path. There are dog waste bins in Driftwood Way, Berkeley Square, by the beach gate, and down the driveway. There is no excuse for us to be clearing up after the minority that leave it behind!!


This year’s theme ‘GOING GREEN’.

This goes in line with our David Bellamy ‘going green together’ project making the park as environmentally friendly as possible! Therefore, we are looking for Eco/Environmentally friendly and wildlife attracting gardens this year, however we would still like to see lots of colour!

Please pop into the office to let us know if you would like to take part. The more people who take part, the more fun it will be!


We are very pleased to announce that we have achieved our Honey Bee badge for the third year running. In the 5 in 5 badge project we have our Hedgerow Badge and from last year we were awarded our Wildflower Badge.

The year we are going for a new badge which is ‘Woodland’. We are going to have to work hard for this one due to the nature of the park, however we are hoping with the tree areas we do have on park will help us to achieve the badge.

DAVID BELLAMY- ‘Going Green Together’

This year David Bellamy are running a new project Going Green Together. The project aims to reward parks on which owners have been actively involved in going green.

Alongside going green owners are encouraged to have fun at the same time!!!! The key areas the project will focus upon is; wildlife, reducing environmental footprint and become better neighbors to our local communities.


Please remember with summer months ahead, please park considerately on a designated car park. No vehicles are to be left outside caravans overnight.


We would still like to encourage people to make the extra effort to split their recycling from their rubbish! The bins with the GREEN lids are for mixed recycling please DO NOT put glass in these, the bins with the BLUE lids are for glass only.


Registration is now open for The Retreat garden competition. The garden competition is a great opportunity to not only get your garden looking in shape for summer but also provides a chance to win prizes.

Scott & Lucy



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